Saturday, August 31, 2019

Oil Boom in Nigeria: What are the Socio-Economic Implications for Society from 1999-2014?

Chapter 1: Introduction Nigeria is one of the leading oil producing countries in the world. Nigeria’s economy was largely characterised by agricultural production alongside other consumer goods up to the 1980’s, when oil wealth took over the majority of the country’s economy. For more than three decades, Nigeria has exploited her oil resources for export. The emergence of oil as Nigeria’s main source of revenue has generated a number of questions regarding the significance of the oil wealth to the socio-economic development of Nigeria society. It has been commonly assumed that Nigeria’s large oil deposits would spur socio-economic growth and put the country among the world’s elite nations in terms of economic growth and social prosperity (Ian and Terry, 2003). Since independence from Great Britain in 1960, Nigerians have experienced a number of problems ranging from ethno-religious and sectarian conflicts to corruption. According to Gboyega (1996) the post-independe nt Nigeria is one that has bore the brunt of leadership-induced poverty instigated by corruption scandals, religious charlatanism, war, restiveness, political instability, series of dictatorial regimes, and failure to build basic amenities among other issues. Ironically, these challenges have intensified during the period when Nigeria experienced what is commonly referred to as the ‘oil boom’ (Gboyega, 1996, p.39). Julius-Adeoye (2010) believes that Nigeria’s severe socio-economic crisis started immediately after independence, when the country’s leaders plundered the nation’s resources with massive corruption allegations at the expense of citizens’ wellbeing; excuses that military generals used to mount coups from the civilian rulers. Whilst it was expected that the beginning of Nigeria’s democratically elected government in 1999 under the leadership of President Olesegun Obasanjo would see sudden change of fortunes for Nigerians, the country has not realised much progress in terms of social progress despite the much hyped economic growth (Salawu, 2010). Data indicate that Nigeria’s oil revenue hit US$ 300 billion in the last two decades alone (Balouga, 2009). But it is the rise in revenue (over USD$112 billion between 2004 and 2007 alone) during Obasanjo’s reign that has raised questions about the country’s priorities and socio-economic development plans. One question one would ask is; where did Nigeria got it wrong in terms of socio-economic developmentTo answer this question, there is need to understand how defining regimes of General Ibrahim Babangida and later Olesegun Obasanjo have contributed to the socio-economic slump of the resource-rich Nigeria. 1.1 Aim and Objectives This study aims to establish the implication of two leaders of Nigeria, General Ibrahim Babangida (1985-1993) and President Olusegun Obasanjo (1999-2007) on Nigeria’s oil and gas resource management and the socio-economic impact with General Babangida setting the pace in the years of misrule and mismanagement of national resources, he set a precedent that would later haunt the economic and social fabric of Nigeria and its people for later years. Sadly, the trend of inequality did not seem to end with military rule but extended with the civilian rule of the democratically elected government (Odebode, 2004).Research objectivesTo establish the role of General Babangida’s regime on the oil resource management and socio-economic development of Nigeria To identify the implication of President Obasanjo’s reign as a democratically elected leader on the oil resource management and socio-economic development of Nigeria To identify ways in which leadership can be used to ba lance Nigeria’s socio-economic development and improve oil resource management 1.2 Research Questions What is the significance of Babangida and Obasanjo’s regimes in the socio-economic development of Nigeria? What is the significance of oil wealth to the socio-economic development of Nigeria’s socio-economic development? What implications do the oil resources have on the local communities’ social integration and economic wellbeing? To what extent has the reigns of these leaders captured in the literature about Nigeria’s developmental agenda? Chapter 2: Literature Review There is a significant body of literature on Nigeria’s development framework. It has been described as having components of corruption, consumerism, failed socio-economic and political policies, and many other issues (Balouga, 2009; Odebode, 2004; Ian and Terry, 2003).Odebode (2004) observes that Nigeria’s socio-economic climate in the past four decades has neither promoted any kind of social and economic welfare that can insulate families from harsh market realities nor help them â€Å"benefit from market developments† (Odebode, 2004, p.12). This is despite massive revenue from oil production. Corruption has been at the core of Nigeria’s political and social developments independence, saddling between military and civilian regimes, which have regrettably institutionalised corruption in almost all government agencies. When General Ibrahim Babangida toppled General Muhammadu Buhari’s regime of less than two years in a bloodless in-house coup on 27th August 1985, the country saw thirteen years of corruption in Nigeria. It is generally agreed that during General Babangida’sregime corruption not only reached alarming high level rate but also became instutionalised. For instance, leaders who were found guilty by tribunals in the previous regimes of Murtala Mohammed and Mohammadu Buharu would later find their way back into the public life; recovering their seized properties allegedly acquired through corrupt means. Maduagwu (cited i n Gboyega, 1996, p.5) observes that that not only did Babangida regime entrench corruption when he pardoned corrupt government officials convicted in the previous regimes and allowed them to reclaim their seized properties, but also â€Å"officially sanctioned corruption in the country, making it difficult to apply the only potent measures, long prison terms and seizure of illegally acquired wealth† for fighting corruption in Nigeria in the future. The successive regimes after Babangida did little to stop corruption (Balouga, 2009). General Sani Abacha in just less than 4 months had ousted the interim government furthering the corruption menace and stagnating the socio-economic growth. The Abacha regime saw corruption reached its peak with plunder of national resources. The International Centre for Asset Recovery (2009) estimated that the Abacha family alone took up to US$ 4 billion from the public coffers. Salawu (2010) observes that the country’s populace is still ma rred with abject poverty, to the extent that it is not only being categorised amongst the world’s poorest nations but also graces the world’s most unequal countries list. Studies have estimated that about 70 percent of Nigeria’s population lives below poverty line, largely due to inequitable distribution of the national resources such as oil revenue limited access to basic amenities and social services such as healthcare (Salawu, 2010). Chapter 3: Research methodology and design The researcher proposes to use qualitative research method to increase the understanding of the attitudes, motivation and other non-numerical information. The study will seek to investigate these phenomena using structured and semi-structured questionnaires, interviews and observation. According to Panneerselvam (2004), qualitative approach to research is the most appropriate research method when studying issues that require in-depth understanding of issues. Panneerselvam (2004) advises that researchers intending to study societal issues such as corruption and governance should immerse themselves into the culture of the society and experience what is in the system. Qualitative research allows the researcher to practice the needed flexibility, thus the ability to amend the emerging sub-questions as they become more familiar with the people, culture and system construct (Panneerselvam, 2004, p.158). Qualitative research methods help researchers to collect non-numerical responses from r espondents using less-structured research instruments such as interviews, observation and ethnography. Ethnography uses fieldwork to provide a descriptive study of human society and presents the results as an organized whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. It is founded on the principle that a system’s individual properties cannot always be accurately understood independent of each other. Qualitative research is thus based on relatively small sample sizes and may evoke inherent challenges when larger sample sizes are needed. In-depth Case study This research will also adopt a case study as a research methodology. The case studies will focus on General Babangida’s regime and Obasanjo’s reign and draw any comparison and similarities in terms of socio-economic development. Case study as a research method is popular due to its ability to draw inspiration from the empirical curiosity and practicality (Stake, 1998). Although the researcher maybe interested in a wider question of socio-economic development of Nigeria, the case study will allow the researcher to specifically focus on issues of oil resource management, corruption, and leadership ideals. Case study is an important research method because it is able to combine other research strategies, hence the reason why it is often referred to as a meta-method (Stake, 1998). Gillham (2001) argues that a case study should not be viewed as more important than other research methodologies but should be seen as more suited for practice-oriented fields. That is, the abili ty of the researcher to act within a professional practice is dependent on the knowledge of a repertoire of cases. 3.1 Scope of the study This research will focus on oil resource management and its impact on socio-economic development in Nigeria. The focus will draw similarities and contrast between General Babangida’s regime (1985-1993) and Olusegun Obasanjo (1999-2007). References Balouga, J. (2009). The Niger Delta: Defusing the Time Bomb. International Association for Energy Economies 1 (3), 8-11. Gboyega, A. (1996). Corruption and Democratization in Nigeria. Ibadan: Agba Areo Publishers. International Centre for Asset Recovery. (2009, September). Sani Abacha. Retrieved on 25 August, 2014 from Gillham, B. (2001). Case Study Research Methods. London, New York: Continuum. Ian, G. and Terry, L. (2003). Bottom of the Barrel: Africa’s Oil Boom and the Poor. Stanford: Catholic Relief Services. Julius-Adeoye, R.J. Nigerian Playwrights and Official Corruption: a study of selected plays. In Oshionebo, B.,Mbachaga, J.D., eds. (2010). Literary Perspectives on Corruption in Africa 1. Markudi: Bookmakers, 2 (1), 5-17. Odebode, S. (2004). Husbands are Crowns: Livelihood Pathways of Low-Income Urban Yoruba Wwomen in Ibadan, Nigeria. The Hague: ISS, 11-12. Panneerselvam, R. (2004). Research Methodology. NY: PHI Learning Pvt. Salawu, B. ( 2010). Ethno-Religious Conflicts in Nigeria: Causal Analysis and Proposals for New Management Strategies. European Journal of Social Sciences 13(3), 345-353. Stake, R. (1998). â€Å"Case Studies† in: Norman Denzin & Yvonna Lincoln. (eds.): Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Assessment Of Learning Essay

Assessment of learning refers to strategies designed to confirm what students know, demonstrate whether or not they have met curriculum outcomes or the goals of their individualized programs, or to certify proficiency and make decisions about students’ future programs or placements. It is designed to provide evidence of achievement to parents, other educators, the students themselves, and sometimes to outside groups (e. g. , employers, other educational institutions). Assessment of learning is the assessment that becomes public and results in statements or symbols about how well students are learning. It often  contributes to pivotal decisions that will affect students’ futures. It is important, then, that the underlying logic and measurement of assessment of learning be credible and defensible. TEACHERS’ ROLES IN ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING Because the consequences of assessment of learning are often far-reaching and affect students seriously, teachers have the responsibility of reporting student learning accurately and fairly, based on evidence obtained from a variety of contexts and applications. Effective assessment of learning requires that teachers provide †¢ a rationale for undertaking a particular assessment of learning at a particular  point in time †¢ clear descriptions of the intended learning †¢ processes that make it possible for students to demonstrate their competence and skill †¢ a range of alternative mechanisms for assessing the same outcomes †¢ public and defensible reference points for making judgements Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind †¢ 55. The purpose of assessment that typically comes at the end of a course or unit of instruction is to determine the extent to which the instructional goals have been achieved and for grading or certification of student achievement. (Linn and Gronlund, Measurement and Assessment in Teaching ) Reflection: Think about an example of assessment of learning in your own teaching and try to develop it further as you read this chapter. 56 †¢ Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind Chapter 5 †¢ transparent approaches to interpretation †¢ descriptions of the assessment process †¢ strategies for recourse in the event of disagreement about the decisions. With the help of their teachers, students can look forward to assessment of learning tasks as occasions to show their competence, as well as the depth and breadth of their learning. PLANNING ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING The purpose of assessment of learning is to measure, certify, and report the level  of students’ learning, so that reasonable decisions can be made about students. There are many potential users of the information:†¢ teachers (who can use the information to communicate with parents about their children’s proficiency and progress) †¢ parents and students (who can use the results for making educational and vocational decisions) †¢ potential employers and post-secondary institutions (who can use the information to make decisions about hiring or acceptance) †¢ principals, district or divisional administrators, and teachers (who can use the information to review and revise programming). Assessment of learning requires the collection and interpretation of information about students’ accomplishments in important curricular areas, in ways that represent the nature and complexity of the intended learning. Because genuine learning for understanding is much more than just recognition or recall of facts or algorithms, assessment of learning tasks need to enable students to show the complexity of their understanding. Students need to be able to apply key concepts, knowledge, skills, and attitudes in ways that are authentic and consistent with current thinking in the knowledge domain. What am I  assessing? Why am I assessing? Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind †¢ 57 Assessment of Learning In assessment of learning, the methods chosen need to address the intended curriculum outcomes and the continuum of learning that is required to reach the outcomes. The methods must allow all students to show their understanding and produce sufficient information to support credible and defensible statements about the nature and quality of their learning, so that others can use the results in appropriate ways. Assessment of learning methods include not only tests and examinations, but  also a rich variety of products and demonstrations of learning—portfolios, exhibitions, performances, presentations, simulations, multimedia projects, and a variety of other written, oral, and visual methods (see Fig. 2. 2, Assessment Tool Kit, page 17). What assessment method should I use? Graduation Portfolios Graduation portfolios are a requirement for graduation from British Columbia and Yukon Senior Years schools. These portfolios comprise collections (electronic or printed) of evidence of students’ accomplishments at school, home, and in the community, including demonstrations of  their competence in skills that are not measured in examinations. Worth four credits toward graduation, the portfolios begin in Grade 10 and are completed by the end of Grade 12. The following are some goals of graduation portfolios: †¢ Students will adopt an active and reflective role in planning, managing, and assessing their learning. †¢ Students will demonstrate learning that complements intellectual development and course-based learning. †¢ Students will plan for successful transitions beyond Grade 12. Graduation portfolios are prepared at the school level and are based on specific Ministry criteria and standards. Students use the criteria and standards as guides for planning, collecting, and presenting their evidence, and for self-assessing. Teachers use the criteria and standards to assess student evidence and assign marks. There are three major components of a graduation portfolio: 1. Portfolio Core (30 percent of the mark). Students must complete requirements in the following six portfolio organizers: arts and design (respond to an art, performance, or design work); community involvement and responsibility (participate co-operatively and respectfully in a  service activity); education and career planning (complete a graduation transition plan); Employability skills (complete 30 hours of work or volunteer experience); information technology (use information technology skills); personal health (complete 80 hours of moderate to intense physical activity). 2. Portfolio Choice (50 percent of the mark). Students expand on the above areas, choosing additional evidence of their achievements. 3. Portfolio Presentation (20 percent of the mark). Students celebrate their learning and reflect at the end of the portfolio process. ( Portfolio Assessment and Focus Areas: A Program Guide) 58 †¢ Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind Chapter 5 Assessment of learning needs to be very carefully constructed so that the information upon which decisions are made is of the highest quality. Assessment of learning is designed to be summative, and to produce defensible and accurate descriptions of student competence in relation to defined outcomes and, occasionally, in relation to other students’ assessment results. Certification of students’ proficiency should be based on a rigorous, reliable, valid, and equitable process of assessment and evaluation. Reliability  Reliability in assessment of learning depends on how accurate, consistent, fair, and free from bias and distortion the assessment is. Teachers might ask themselves: †¢ Do I have enough information about the learning of this particular student to make a definitive statement? †¢ Was the information collected in a way that gives all students an equal chance to show their learning? †¢ Would another teacher arrive at the same conclusion? †¢ Would I make the same decision if I considered this information at another time or in another way? Reference Points Typically, the reference points for assessment of learning are the learning  outcomes as identified in the curriculum that make up the course of study. Assessment tasks include measures of these learning outcomes, and a student’s performance is interpreted and reported in relation to these learning outcomes. In some situations where selection decisions need to be made for limited positions (e. g. , university entrance, scholarships, employment opportunities), assessment of learning results are used to rank students. In such norm-referenced situations, what is being measured needs to be clear, and the way it is being measured needs to be transparent to anyone who might use the assessment  results. Validity Because assessment of learning results in statements about students’ proficiency in wide areas of study, assessment of learning tasks must reflect the key knowledge, concepts, skills, and dispositions set out in the curriculum, and the statements and inferences that emerge must be upheld by the evidence collected. How can I ensure quality in this assessment process? Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind †¢ 59 Assessment of Learning Record-Keeping Whichever approaches teachers choose for assessment of learning, it is their records that provide details about the quality of the measurement. Detailed records of the various components of the assessment of learning are essential, with a description of what each component measures, with what accuracy and against what criteria and reference points, and should include supporting evidence related to the outcomes as justification. When teachers keep records that are detailed and descriptive, they are in an excellent position to provide meaningful reports to parents and others. Merely a symbolic representation of a student’s accomplishments (e. g. , a letter grade or percentage) is inadequate. Reports to parents and others should identify the  intended learning that the report covers, the assessment methods used to gather the supporting information, and the criteria used to make the judgement. Feedback to Students Because assessment of learning comes most often at the end of a unit or learning cycle, feedback to students has a less obvious effect on student learning than assessment for learning and assessment as learning. Nevertheless, students do Ho w can I use the information from this assessment? Guidelines for Grading 1. Use curriculum learning outcomes or some clustering of these (e. g. , strands) as the basis for grading. 2.  Make sure that the meaning of grades comes from clear descriptions of curriculum outcomes and standards. If students achieve the outcome, they get the grade. (NO bell curves! ) 3. Base grades only on individual achievement of the targeted learning outcomes. Report effort, participation, and attitude, for example, separately, unless they are a stated curriculum outcome. Any penalties (e. g. , for late work, absences), if used, should not distort achievement or motivation. 4. Sample student performance using a variety of methods. Do not include all assessments in grades. Provide ongoing feedback on formative  performance using words, rubrics, or checklists, not grades. 5. Keep records in pencil so they can be updated easily to take into consideration more recent achievement. Provide second-chance assessment opportunities (or more). Students should receive the highest, most consistent mark, not an average mark for multiple opportunities. 6. Crunch numbers carefully, if at all. Consider using the median, mode, or statistical measures other than the mean. Weight components within the final grade to ensure that the intended importance is given to each learning outcome. 7. Make sure that each assessment meets quality standards (e.g. , there should be clear targets, clear purpose, appropriate target-method match, appropriate sampling, and absence of bias and distortion) and is properly recorded and maintained (e. g. , in portfolios, at conferences, on tracking sheets). 8. Discuss and involve students in grading at the beginning and throughout the teaching and learning process. (Adapted from O’Connor, How to Grade for Learning ) Resource: Marzano, Transforming Classroom Grading 60 †¢ Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind Chapter 5 rely on their marks and on teachers’ comments as indicators of their level of  success, and to make decisions about their future learning endeavours. Differentiating Learning In assessment of learning, differentiation occurs in the assessment itself. It would make little sense to ask a near-sighted person to demonstrate driving proficiency without glasses. When the driver uses glasses, it is possible for the examiner to get an accurate picture of the driver’s ability, and to certify him or her as proficient. In much the same way, differentiation in assessment of learning requires that the necessary accommodations be in place that allow students to make the particular learning visible. Multiple forms of assessment offer multiple pathways for making student learning transparent to the teacher. A particular curriculum outcome requirement, such as an understanding of the social studies notion of conflict, for example, might be demonstrated through visual, oral, dramatic, or written representations. As long as writing were not an explicit component of the outcome, students who have difficulties with written language, for example, would then have the same opportunity to demonstrate their learning as other students. Although assessment of learning does not always lead teachers to differentiate  instruction or resources, it has a profound effect on the placement and promotion of students and, consequently, on the nature and differentiation of the future instruction and programming that students receive. Therefore, assessment results need to be accurate and detailed enough to allow for wise recommendations. Reporting There are many possible approaches to reporting student proficiency. Reporting assessment of learning needs to be appropriate for the audiences for whom it is intended, and should provide all of the information necessary for them to make reasoned decisions. Regardless of the form of the reporting,  however, it should be honest, fair, and provide sufficient detail and contextual information so that it can be clearly understood. Traditional reporting, which relies only on a student’s average score, provides little information about that student’s skill development or knowledge. One alternate mechanism, which recognizes many forms of success and provides a profile of a student’s level of performance on an emergent-proficient continuum, is the parent- student-teacher conference. This forum provides parents with a great deal of information, and reinforces students’ responsibility for their learning. The Communication System Continuum: From Symbols to Conversations (O’Connor, How to Grade for Learning ) Grades Report cards (grades and brief comments) Infrequent informal communications Parent-teacher interviews Report cards with expanded comments Frequent informal communication Student-involved conferencing Student-led conferencing Reflection: What forms do your reports of student proficiency take? How do these differ according to audience? Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind †¢ 61 Assessment of Learning An Example of Assessment of Learning. Elijah was interested in assessing student mastery of both the modern and the traditional skills required for survival in the Nunavut environment where he teaches. The overarching theme of survival is taught in the early grades and culminates at the senior level in a course delivered in Inuktitut. Students learn how to take care of themselves and others, and how to adapt what they know to the situation at hand. Survival requires not only skills and knowledge, but also a concept the Inuit people call qumiutit, or the ability in an emergency situation to pull out of stored memory information that will enable a person to cope, not panic. Traditionally, this was learned in a holistic manner, grounded in Inuit traditional guiding principles that were nurtured and developed from birth, and taught and reinforced in daily living. Throughout the term, Elijah took his students to an outdoor area to practise on-the-land survival activities, using both traditional and modern methods. He always took with him a knowledgeable Elder who could give the students the information they needed to store away in case of emergency. The students watched demonstrations of a skill a number of times. Each student then practised on his or her own, as Elijah and the Elder observed and assisted. Elijah knew that students need to have a high level of expertise in the survival skills appropriate for the northern natural environment. Elijah assessed each student on each survival skill (e. g. , making fire the traditional way, tying the knots required for the qamutik cross-pieces on a sled). What am I assessing? I am assessing each student’s performance of traditional and modern survival skills. Why am I assessing? I want to know which survival skills each s tudent has mastered and their readiness to s urvive in the natural environment. 62 †¢ Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind. Chapter 5 Elijah knew that the best way to determine if students have mastered the skills is to have them perform them. When students believed they were ready, Elijah created an opportunity for them to demonstrate the mastered skill to a group of Elders, who then (individually, then in consensus) determined if the performance was satisfactory. A student’s competence in a survival skill is often demonstrated by an end product. For example, competence in knot tying is demonstrated by a knot that serves its purpose, and competence in fire building is demonstrated by a fire that is robust. As the Elders judged each student’s performance of the skills, Elijah recorded the results. He shared the information with each student and his or her parents in a final report, as shown here. Ho w can I use the informatio n from this assessment? Now that I know which skills each of the students has mastered, I can report this information to the s tudents and their parents. I can use this information to identify a learning path for each s tudent. How can I ensure quality in this assessment process? Ensuring quality with this approach involves clear criteria: either the student performs the skill s uccessfully or does not. I need to provide adequate opportunities for the s tudent to demonstrate the skills under various conditions and at various times. What assessment method should I use? I need an approach in which students can demonstrate the traditional survival skills that they learned. The method I choose should also allow me to identify which skills they did not master. Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind †¢ 63 Assessment of Learning Shelters: †¢ emergency shelters †¢ igloo building4 †¢ qamaq5 †¢ tents Transportation needs: †¢ making the knots required for the qamutik cross pieces on a sled †¢ building a kayak/umiak. †¢ fixing a snowmobile (spark plugs, repairing track, drive belt) †¢ keeping a boat seaworthy Navigational issues: †¢ reading the land †¢ reading the sky †¢ understanding seasonal variations †¢ reading inuksuit †¢ using GPS †¢ map reading Preparation for land travel: †¢ packing a qamutiq (sled) †¢ load, balance †¢ necessities: snow knife, rope, food, water, heat source †¢ letting others know where you are going †¢ necessary tools, supplies, snowmobile parts, fuel †¢ using communication devices Food sources: †¢ plants and their nutritional properties †¢ hunting, skinning, and cutting up seal, caribou, etc. †¢ kinds of food to take on the land,  and their nutritional properties ____________________ 4. Expertise in igloo building includes understanding of types of snow, the shape and fit of blocks, and the use of a snow- knife. 5. A qamaq is a rounded house, built of scrap wood or bones, and covered with skins, cardboard, or canvas. Report on Survival Skills Student: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Traditional Survival Skills Modern Survival Skills Adaptability to the Seasons Attitude Success Next Steps 1) Skills Building a fire / means of keeping warm: †¢ fuel sources †¢ getting a spark †¢ propane heaters, stoves †¢ clothing. 2) Relationship to the Seasons Assessing conditions / recognizing danger signs: †¢ seasonal changes †¢ land changes †¢ water changes †¢ wind changes †¢ weather changes Climatic changes: †¢ weather changes and how this affects the land and water †¢ knowledge of animals and their characteristics and behaviours 3) Attitudinal Influences (Having the right attitude to learn) †¢ respect for the environment (cleaning up a campsite upon leaving, dealing with the remains of an animal, not over-hunting/fishing) †¢ respect for Elders and their knowledge †¢ ability to learn from Elders 64 †¢ Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind Chapter 5. Elijah’s report identified which of the students had mastered the specified skills required to survive in the Nunavut environment. It outlined other areas (such as adaptability to the seasons and attitudinal influences) about which peers, parents, and family members would need to provide input before a comprehensive assessment could be made. The assessment also identified those students not yet ready to survive in the natural environment. But the Elders did not stop working with the students who did not reach mastery. Elders see learning as an individual path in which skills, knowledge, and attitudes are acquired along the way. If a particular skill was beyond the capability of a student, the Elders identified other areas where that person could contribute to the common good of the community, and was accepted for the gifts he or she brought to the group. In this way, the Elders helped Elijah differentiate the learning path for each of his students. SUMMARY OF PLANNING ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING Assessment for Learning Assessment as Learning Assessment of Learning Why Assess? To enable teachers to determine next steps in advancing student learning to guide and provide opportunities for each student to monitor and critically reflect on his or her learning, and  identify next steps Assess What? each student’s progress and learning needs in relation to the curricular outcomes each student’s thinking about his or her learning, what strategies he or she uses to support or challenge that learning, and the mechanisms he or she uses to adjust and advance his or her learning. What Methods? a range of methods in different modes that make students’ skills and understanding visible a range of methods in different modes that elicit students’ learning and metacognitive processes Ensuring Quality †¢ accuracy and consistency of observations and interpretations of student learning  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ clear, detailed learning expectations †¢ accurate, detailed notes for descriptive feedback to each student †¢ accuracy and consistency of student’s self-reflection, self-monitoring, and self-adjustment. †¢ engagement of the student in considering and challenging his or her thinking †¢ students record their own learning Using the Information †¢ provide each student with accurate descriptive feedback to further his or her learning †¢ differentiate instruction by continually checking where each student is in relation to the curricular outcomes †¢ provide parents or guardians with descriptive feedback about student  learning and ideas for support. †¢ provide each student with accurate descriptive feedback that will help him or her develop independent learning habits †¢ have each student focus on the task and his or her learning (not on getting the right answer) †¢ provide each student with ideas for adjusting, rethinking, and articulating his or her learning †¢ provide the conditions for the teacher and student to discuss alternatives †¢ students report about their learning Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind. †¢ 65 Assessment of Learning to certify or inform parents or others of student’s proficiency in  relation to curriculum learning outcomes the extent to which students can apply the key concepts, knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to the curricular outcomes a range of methods in different modes that assess both product and process †¢ accuracy, consistency, and fairness of judgements based on high-quality information †¢ clear, detailed learning expectations †¢ fair and accurate summative reporting †¢ indicate each student’s level of learning †¢ provide the foundation for discussions on placement or promotion †¢ report fair, accurate, and detailed information that can be used to decide the next steps in a student’s learning.   

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Impact On Teaching And Learning Practice Education Essay

This paper presents a reappraisal of the literature on schoolroom formative appraisal, or appraisal for larning. Several surveies have shown grounds that the frequent execution of formative appraisal schemes can give significant acquisition additions. Student perceptual experiences are considered along with an analysis of the formative schemes used by instructors in systemic attacks to learning. There besides follows a treatment on the nature of appraisal for acquisition and its deductions for the development of learning pattern.2. IntroductionAppraisal for acquisition is frequently referred to as formative appraisal, and can be defined in assorted ways. To help elucidation, the definition of formative appraisal used in this paper is meant to include: ‘all those activities undertaken by instructors – and by their pupils in measuring themselves – that provide information to be used as feedback to modify instruction and acquisition activities. Such assessment becomes formative appraisal when the grounds is really used to accommodate the instruction to run into pupil demands ‘ ( Black & A ; Wiliam, 1998b: 140 ) From this definition formative appraisal can be conceptualized as consisting of five cardinal schemes: 1. Clarifying and sharing learning purposes and standards for success ; 2. Engineering effectual schoolroom treatments and other larning undertakings that elicit grounds of pupil apprehension ; 3. Supplying feedback that moves scholars frontward ; 4. Triping pupils as instructional resources for one another ; 5. Triping pupils as the proprietors of their ain acquisition. ( Black & A ; Wiliam, 2009 ) The research into appraisal for acquisition has led to the development of a theory of formative appraisal which attempts to specify all formative interactions as those ‘in which an synergistic state of affairs influences knowledge ‘ ( Ibid: 11 ) . The get downing point of the work on formative appraisal that is described in this paper was the reappraisal by Black and Wiliam ( 1998a ) . This reappraisal covered a really broad scope of published research and provided grounds that formative appraisal raises criterions and that the assessment patterns of the period were weak. However, there seemed to be really few resources to assist instructors set the research findings into pattern. Partially in response to this perceived deficiency of aid, Black and Wiliam published the brochure Inside the Black Box ( 1998b ) , which served four chief purposes: aˆ? To give a brief reappraisal of the research grounds. aˆ? To do a instance for more attending to be paid to assisting pattern inside the schoolroom. aˆ? To pull out deductions for practical action. aˆ? To discourse policy and pattern ( Wiliam, 2011 ) . The reappraisal by Black and Wiliam ( 1998a ) involved analyzing reappraisals of research published up to 1988 and so look intoing through the issues of over 160 research diaries and books for the old ages 1988 to 1997 and their reappraisal drew on stuff from 250 beginnings. One of the precedences identified in measuring the research studies was to place and summarize surveies that produced quantitative grounds that inventions in formative appraisal can take to betterment in the acquisition of pupils. Since the publication of Black and Wiliam ‘s reappraisal at that place has been a greater focal point on issues environing appraisal for larning and their possible benefits to instructors and pupils in raising schoolroom attainment. In 2008 the DCSF published The Assessment for Learning Strategy which presented the characteristics and possible benefits of formative appraisal as shown in the image below ( DCSF, 2008:5 ) . It seems that there is now a consensus in many educational circles that assessment for acquisition is one of the most important, ways of raising attainment within schools. The purpose of this paper is to reexamine and critically analyze some of the most important grounds that has been gathered sing formative appraisal, and whether it warrants the focal point that is now being placed upon its usage by instructors and pupils in our schoolrooms today.3. Ethical motivesThe intent of this literature reappraisal is to analyze and measure the efficaciousness appraisal for larning schemes on bettering pupil attainment, and as such is designed to hold a positive impact on instruction and acquisition pattern, guaranting that learning and assessment clip is used every bit efficaciously as possible. As such, there are improbable to be any negative or harmful effects as a consequence of this paper. In its Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research BERA province that educational research aims to ‘extend cognition and apprehension in all countries of educational activity and from all positions ‘ ( 2011: 4 ) , and this paper will try to run into these hig h purposes. In conformity with the BERA guidelines attention will be taken, when reexamining surveies, to guarantee that the consequences are non used in any manner other than was intended by research workers, and that was made explicit to participants so as non to encroach upon the footings of voluntary informed consent, right to retreat and privateness afforded to them in the original surveies. The paper will see the context and methodological analysis of each research survey, and will merely include those which are deemed to run into the high ethical criterions laid out by BERA ( 2011 ) in their Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research.4. MethodologyChiefly quantitative research was considered and collated, across a assortment of instruction platforms, and in a assortment of parts of the universe, and so the research has been analysed harmonizing to the undermentioned standards, in order to help choice and reading: Focus – What was the intended focal point of the research? Context and coverage – Where was the survey undertaken? At what degree of instruction? How large was the sample size? When was the research completed? Where was the research undertaken? Perspective – Is at that place impersonal representation of the information or is at that place any prejudice toward a specific result? Methodology – How was the research conducted? Audience – What was the intended audience of the research? Findingss – Are the findings important and can they robustly support the decisions drawn? Impact – What is the impact of the survey and is it relevant to the reappraisal? Restrictions – What limitations or lacks exist in the research? Areas for future development – Does the research lead to farther countries that can or necessitate to be researched in future? Adapted from Randolph ( 2009 ) . Due to the sheer figure of surveies into the effects of appraisal for larning The trouble in executing this reappraisal was in choosing the most appropriate plants and research surveies that have been conducted and written to this point, and besides in collating the findings suitably. Student patterned advance and attainment can besides be measured in assorted ways, but an effort at synthesis has been made in order to supply the reader with utile and robust informations to back up the decisions of the paper. The undermentioned subdivision reviews the literature that was selected utilizing the above methodological analysis. The surveies chosen were all based on quantitative comparings of larning additions, and for being strict in utilizing pre- and post- trials and comparing of experimental with control groups. It is non implied, nevertheless, that utile information and penetrations about the subject can non be obtained by work in other paradigms.5. Literature ReappraisalIn this subdivision summarised histories will be presented of research which was selected and reviewed harmonizing to the standards outlined in Sections 3 and 4, and which illustrate some of the chief countries and issues involved in research which aims to procure grounds about the effects of formative appraisal. The first undertaking considered was a undertaking in which 25 mathematics instructors from Portugal were given developing in assorted methods of self appraisal during a 20 hebdomad educational class, which they went on to implement into their instruction pattern with 354 pupils aged between 8 to 14 old ages old ( Fontana & A ; Fernandes, 1994 ) . The students of an extra 20 instructors, who were taking a different class in instruction, acted as the control group. Both of the groups were given pre- and post- trials to find their degree of mathematics achievement, and both spent the same sum of clip in category on the survey of mathematics. Both groups showed important additions over the period, but the experimental group ‘s average addition was approximately twice that of the control group ‘s addition. The chief focal point of work was on regular self-assessment by the students, which involved learning them to develop a degree of apprehension of both the acquisition aims and the appraisal standards, giving them chance to take larning undertakings in which they had an involvement and utilizing undertakings which gave them the ability to measure their ain acquisition results. This research showed robust grounds of attainment additions when utilizing formative appraisal schemes. The writers of the survey reflected that extra work was required to look for long-run results and to research the comparative effectivity amongst the assorted techniques employed in together and in isolation of each other. In this survey the two outstanding elements found were the focal point on self-assessment and the execution of this appraisal. It was non conclusive that one or other of these characteristics, or the combination of the two, was responsible for the additions that were found. The 2nd illustration had its beginning in the thought of command acquisition, but departed from the mainstream political orientation in that the writers of the survey began with a belief that it was the frequent testing that would be identified as the chief ground for the addition in the acquisition accomplishments reported for this attack. The undertaking was an experiment ( Martinez & A ; Martinez, 1992 ) , in which 120 American college pupils in an introductory algebra class were placed in one of four groups, two experimental and two control groups. The experimental group were tested three times every bit frequently as the control group throughout the class and the consequences of a post-test showed a important public presentation addition for those tested more often over the less often tested control group. It could be questioned as to whether frequent proving truly constitutes formative appraisal and this inquiry would necessitate to measure the quality of the teacher-student interactions sing trial consequences and on whether trial consequences really could be considered as representing formative appraisal in the sense of it taking to step ining action taken to shut any spreads in public presentation ( Ramaprasad, 1983 ) . The 3rd survey reviewed here was involved formative appraisal schemes used in the instruction of kindergarten kids who were aged 5 ( Bergan et al. , 1991 ) . The writers of the survey held a thesis that focused attending to the early acquisition of basic accomplishments is indispensable for kids. The undertaking involved 838 kids drawn from largely disadvantaged place backgrounds in the USA. The instructors of the experimental group designed and carried out a measuring and planning system which required an initial appraisal input to be able to inform and act upon instruction pattern at the single degree, and further diagnostic appraisals to invariably supervise advancement and accommodate the instruction and larning throughout the 8 hebdomad period of its class. The instructors used chiefly the observations of accomplishments to measure advancement and attainment. At the decision of the survey, result trials were so compared with the initial appraisals of the same accomplishments. An alysis of the information showed that the experimental group achieved significantly. It is of import to observe, nevertheless, that of the control group, on mean 1 kid in 5 was referred as holding peculiar larning demands and the corresponding figures for the experimental group were 1 in 17 and so this may bespeak an country of failing in the reconciliation between control and experimental groups within this survey. Another illustration of research in this country involved work to develop an inquiry-based in-between school science-based course of study and was conducted by Frederiksen & A ; White ( 1997 ) . The learning class focused chiefly on a practical enquiry based attack to larning within a designated country of scientific discipline, and the work included 12 categories of 30 pupils across two different schools. The categories were taught to a strictly constructed course of study program in which scientific issues were explored through practical experiments and computing machine simulation, utilizing an enquiry rhythm theoretical account that was made explicit to the pupils. The work was carried out in collaborative equal groups, with each category being split into two halves. Half of each category acted as a control group utilizing parts of the lessons for the general treatment of issues environing the subject, whilst the other half acted as the experimental group and spent the same clip on structured collaborative treatment, designed to advance brooding appraisal, utilizing techniques such as self appraisal and peer appraisal of category presentations. All of the students involved in the survey were given the same basic accomplishments trial at the beginning and the same station trial to mensurate attainment and advancement. On the result tonss, the experimental group showed a important overall addition ; nevertheless, when the consequences were compared to the initial pre-tests it was found that pupils who ab initio scored lower, saw the biggest additions from the formative appraisal schemes implemented in the survey, with the highest ability pupils betterment was less pronounced. Amongst all the pupils in the experimental group, those who showed the best apprehension of and ability to implement the ego appraisal processes achieved the highest tonss.

Managing Across Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Managing Across Cultures - Essay Example Along with the major changes in the structure and flow of business transactions today, developed countries continuously aim to increase their returns on investment not only by transferring the Western management practices all over the developing countries but also in learning more about the culture and sub-culture of other countries (Jaegar, 1993). One of the most influential research studies on cultural values was conducted by Geert Hofstede. In line with this, Hofstede conducted an extensive research study which involved 74 different countries all over the world where he identified the unique cultural values in each country using the five dimensions known as: high vs. low power distance, individualism vs. collectivism, masculinity vs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance vs. uncertainty acceptance, and short-term vs. long-term orientation (itim International, 2011; Tian, 2004, p. 18). Upon examining the culture and sub-culture in different countries, Hofstede concluded that â€Å"cul ture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy† (itim International, 2011). ... Sub-cultures in China Based on Hofstede’s research survey report, China’s score on Hofstede’s five dimensions include the following: PDI IDV MAS UAI LTO China 80 20 66 30 118 Source: itim International, 2011; Anonym, 2006, p. 4 Power Distance The rank of China’s Power Distance is 80. This figure is considered high as compared to the average score of 60 in other Far East Asian countries and the world’s average of 55 (itim International, 2011; Anonym, 2006, p. 4). As explained by Hofstede (1980), â€Å"Power Distance explains how different societies treat inequalities in social structure†. It means that people in China wholeheartedly accept differences in authoritative power within a hierarchy in the society and that people in China gives low importance on egalitarianism (Hunter and Tan, 2005, p. 210). This is possible because of the historical background of Chinese people who were accustomed in having a centralized government authority which f ollows the law of Confucianism (Schwartz, 2007, p. 121; Hu and Grove, 1999, p. 6; Bargiela-Chiappini and Harris, 1997, p. 42). To simplify the concept of Power Distance, this particular cultural dimension is simply referring to the norms that are heavily reflected in China’s economic and cultural background including the existing relationship between a typical husband and wife, relationship between the parents and their children, the way political issues are being managed and religious beliefs which significantly affect the progress of China’s economic condition (Tian, 2004, p. 19). A high score of Power Distance is pointing out the way businesses are formed in China particularly with regards to whom among the family members have

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

ENTREPRENURSHIP CAPITAL & THE FIRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

ENTREPRENURSHIP CAPITAL & THE FIRM - Essay Example This is followed by the factors contributing to the planned start-up business and the subsequent running and management of the venture. Influence of Personal Background The interview with the entrepreneur revealed that he is the only child of his parents. As a result, his parents were very attentive to his upbringing. According to Veciana (2007, p. 55), family context and childhood are among the basic factors affecting the decision to create a firm. As he belongs to a developing country, his parents gave utmost importance to his education. He was home-schooled for a year before joining kindergarten. The entrepreneur believes that during this time, he was taught by his parents as well as a home tutor. His father, in particular, often took him along to several parts of the city that he had to visit in the course of business. In this way, he got exposed to various trades from a very early age. His father is probably the very first role model that inspired him to become an entrepreneur. He owned a textile business and the entrepreneur would spend a few hours in the day with his father at the shop. This fits in with Shane’s (2010, p. 149) statement that children of entrepreneurs are more likely to become entrepreneurs themselves. The entrepreneur also reported that his parents did not place many restrictions on him as a child and allowed him to pursue his interests. This encouraged him to be bold and take up challenges. Although the entrepreneur’s parents were affectionate towards him, they also encouraged him to be independent and assume responsibility for his actions. He stated that from the age of three, he began to sleep in a separate room and was responsible for keeping it organized from the age of seven. Even at school, his parents did not interfere when he was punished or scolded by his teachers for not following instructions. He recollects that these influences played a great role in shaping his personality to take up entrepreneurship as a care er choice. As stated by Ginbcus, Vermeulen, and Radulova (2008, p. 23), entrepreneurs tend to be independent and do not have high needs for conformity. This tendency is reflected in the personality of the entrepreneur interviewed. As mentioned earlier, family influences played an important part in shaping the entrepreneur’s eventual career choice. The father being an entrepreneur himself, there was a role model readily available within the immediate environment of the entrepreneur. As a child and even while growing up, the entrepreneur observed his father making business decisions and responding to challenges. During the interview, the entrepreneur stated that observing his father made him aware of the benefits as well as the risks of being an entrepreneur. Sometimes, his father had to make decisions that put the financial future of the family at risk. Sometimes, the risk paid off. But the family also had to face financial difficulties during some periods. The entrepreneur st ated that the determination of his father to persevere and the support of his mother helped them to overcome temporary setbacks. At any rate, the challenges did not deter the entrepreneur from following in his father’s footsteps. In fact, the entrepreneur said that often he felt that his father was not making the right decision. He then resolved that he would not make the same mistakes if he were to run his own business someday. Douglas (2009, p. 7) describes

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Survey Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Survey Description - Essay Example The demographic questions only focused on the gender and educational level of the participants. The informational questions focused on getting participants opinion on what their thought was about their major, their satisfaction level of the major they are undertaking and whether it was easy for the members to choose their major. For example, the last informational question ask the students whether the preparatory year in college can help a student in selecting the major to pursue. The survey was conducted through writing questionnaires and sending them to students and faculty at English Language Center, using the well-known survey website Survey Monkey. The small number of questions encouraged the students to take part in the survey since it did not consume a lot of their time. There was a total of 16 students taking part with a majority, 14, being female, and only two male students participated in the survey. From the survey 6 were graduate students, 4 were undergraduate and the remaining 6 specified other as their educational level. The major finding from the survey are as follows: Many people start thinking about the major they are going to take at elementary school level. A majority of the student, 71.43%, are satisfied with the major they are taking. Almost half of the participants believe that preparatory year sometimes helps a student choose a

Monday, August 26, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management - Essay Example These factors can be both a threat and opportunity for the company. It is a threat because they are beyond control of the company, that the acronym PEST becomes an appropriate term. It becomes an opportunity when the company takes advantage of the environment and it becomes a rearranged word as STEP towards strategies in entering the market. Any company wishing to enter new market should study the macro-environment factors surrounding the country. First consideration is the political analysis that consists of: political stability, legal framework for contract enforcement, trade regulations and tariffs, favored trading partners, anti-trust laws, pricing regulations, taxations – tax rates and incentives, wage legislations, mandatory employee benefits, industry safety regulations and product labeling requirements. The political analysis done for Sainsbury showed following results: Trade restrictions. It will not be difficult for Sainsbury to establish commercial business relation s with Qatar because of its existing friendly relationship with U.K. It has an existing Free Trade Agreement that provides benefits to both contracting parties (Pratap, 2011). One of the Qatar’s policies that makes setting up of large industries possible here are the regional integration, trade liberalization and expansion of market volume, thus encouraging mass production and economies of scale. Tax policy. Benefits owing to tax incentives include the following: No income tax or social security deductions payable on wages and salaries. No taxation is payable on exports and customs duties start at 5% Foreign investors are permitted full repatriation of capital and profits overseas in foreign currency. Corporate tax on foreign companies is 10% Source: KMD Consulting Legal. According to SMD (2008), the Foreign Investment Law No. 13 of 2000 offers foreign ownership up to 100% foreign ownership in sectors of agriculture, manufacturing, health, education and tourism. In Feb. 1, 20 10, this law has been amended and now includes 100 percent ownership in businesses such as consultancy services, information technology (IT), services related to sports, culture and entertainment as well as distribution services. Minimum capitalization required for a Qatar company is 200,000 QR and contracts entered into by Sainsbury in Qatar are covered by the Qatari Civil Code. Sainsbury can be exempted from the Qatari Law that stipulates a total local equity of 51% in any commercial company because it falls into the category of distribution service engaged in the retail distribution network and this exemption is available upon request (SMD, 2008) Legal. Environment regulations. The current environmental issue that would most likely affect Sainsbury’s entrance to Qatar is its limited natural fresh water resources and its increasing dependence on large-scale desalination process. Political stability. The peace and quiet of a country is vital in determining investment. Qatar, according to Business Monitor International will most likely to remain politically stable as analysts see no threat to al-Thani’s family rule (Business Monitor, 2009) Next, we go to the economic factor. Included in this analysis are: the type of economic system in countries of operation, government intervention in the free market, comparative advantage of host country, infrastructure

Sunday, August 25, 2019

MPH502-Introduction to Public Health (Module 3 CBT) Essay

MPH502-Introduction to Public Health (Module 3 CBT) - Essay Example Right from the early days of industrial revolution, substantial portions of rural population together with migrants coming in search of work from other countries flocked to cities and towns that resulted in overcrowding, slum conditions and squalor with the associated problems of garbage, sewage, pollution and unclean drinking water that had negative impact on public health. Citizens quite rightly veered round to the opinion that control of diseases and maintenance of public health should fall in the public domain of governmental responsibility and there should be relevant laws and regulations that would ensure each citizen gets the chance to lead a healthy life with government being responsible to provide all the necessary amenities and maintain decent standards of public health. Governments of both industrialized and developing countries have since then passed numerous legislations in this regard and public health is quite rightly now firmly entrenched in the domain of public autho rity and public administration. Neither the governments nor the citizens deny that the primary responsibility of public health rests with the government of the country. Public health professionals quite obviously desire that there should be progressively larger allocation of funds towards prevention of diseases rather than fighting them when they threaten to go out of hand and become a matter of serious concern. Prevention, as the saying goes, is always better than cure. But in the political climate prevailing in late and middle 1990s it was becoming increasingly difficult for public health professionals to emphasize the importance of prevention as some of the law makers were of the opinion that the threat to public health was made to look more sinister than it actually was. Though there might be some instances of such overdrive, one agrees wholeheartedly with the author’s concern about prevention of a disease before it snowballs into a public health crisis. (Gostin L. O.,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Forensic Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Forensic Anthropology - Essay Example Having understood the two, it is then necessary to draw a link between the two or evaluate all the possible relationships between the two. It will also be imperative to reckon that a marriage between the two possible brings forth what is commonly termed as forensic anthropology. This paper seeks to show how biological anthropologist assist with a forensic investigation besides identification of individuals. The paper starts first by understanding what forensic is, then moves on to define anthropology and forensic anthropology then shows how anthropology can aid in forensics. The term forensic refers to the application of scientific knowledge in a bid to solve legal problems and enable the smooth running of legal proceedings (Bartol, 2004: p8). As such, any profession that uses scientific knowledge aids bin forensics and this explains the existence of such terms as forensic anthropology, forensic medicine, forensic science, forensic experts etc. Forensic comes from a Latin word "forensic" which means relating to a forum and forum in this case which according to the ancient Rome was a market place where people congregated to conduct all sorts of business as well as public affairs. As time went on, the term forensic was limited to reference of the courts of law thus entering English use in 1659 with that very meaning. Therefore, forensic refers to law problems or issues which are solved by the application of scientific knowledge. The word anthrop... Human beings and their ancestors are studied in terms of the physical characteristics, social and environmental relations and culture. Main concern of anthropology is the origin of the present homosapien's, ancestors, evolutionary development etc. As such, anthropologists study the skeletons, DNA, tools, etc of the modern man's ancestors to locate the origin of the present day behaviours and culture. Thus, the common questions asked by the anthropologists include but are not limited to: 1 What defines human beings 2 Who are the ancestors of modern human beings 3 What are the human physical traits 4 How do human beings behave 5 Why the differences and variations among the human beings 6 How has the evolutionary past human beings influenced both the culture and social organization These are just but examples of questions asked by anthropologists and have been used to offer a rough estimation of the scope of anthropology. The modern anthropology borrows extensively from both the humanities and natural sciences such as biology and chemistry. The modern anthropologists have specialized in technical subfields which have found wider applications both within and without the scope of anthropology. What is Forensic Anthropology Basically, forensic anthropology is the application of anthropology in forensics. It is simply the marriage between anthropology and forensics. Generally, forensic anthropology is the assessment of the skeletal remains of human beings on behalf of the law enforcers in a bid to establish the identity of the bones (Klepinger, 2006: p3). Anthropology is wide and is divided into linguistic anthropology, cultural anthropology, archaeology and physical anthropology. Of great help to forensic is the physical

Friday, August 23, 2019

Understanding the marketplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Understanding the marketplace - Essay Example This results from the fact that the business can conduct a survey and hence research on market trends and the techniques employed by other producers and therefore improve on their products. Statistics from a global perspective are effective when making vital decisions on production (Harrington, 2007). This is mainly because since standardized products are popular, it is easy for the producers to make an assessment on best practices that can help improve their production. This methodology is usually effective for organizations whose performance is deteriorating, as standardization helps formulate and implement effective strategies. It should also be noted that not all organizations that sell standardized products succeed. In as much as standardization may be favorable due to many reasons, other factors such as promoting and setting at prices may make it unfavorable (Quelch, & Deshpande, 2004). This prompts local market conditions to take control of standardization. In an argument by Harrington (2007), product decisions are crucial as they determine the success or failure of the business. Surveys show that 50 percent of businesses decline because they do not understand the market demands of their products. On the same note, two-thirds of them succeed by supplying their goods to regions where they are popular. From the statistics, it is advisable to standardize products of global consumption such as medicine and medical implements. Therefore, before a business decides to standardize its products, it should be capable of establishing whether their products into local, international or multinational categories. This will give them hints on whether the products should be groomed for either local or international

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Media studies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Media studies - Assignment Example However, with the current wave of commercialization, the media use the power they have over the audience to commercialize their services. Personally, I believe commercialization is harming the society instead of making it better. Commercialization has reached the point where the media are competing for audience by delivering top stories and headlines. It is a matter of who has more details regarding the story. Thus, the objective has shifted from informing the public to winning their loyalty through various persuasive techniques. Additionally, celebrities use media to market themselves and generate profits from the publicity (Seeck and Rantanen 8). As a result, these superstars and indeed journalists would go to all lengths to draw the crowd to their camps even if it means disregarding moral and ethical standards of the society. In addition, the media only focus on stories about celebrities, the rich, disasters, and controversies, which give them more viewership (Seeck and Rantanen 8). In turn, the viewer has become an active consumer rather than a mere passive listener by that completing the cycle of commercialization. Though the audience believes that it is a matter of exposure, the truth is that the media controls what they view and the information they are exposed to. Furthermore, commercialization of the media has created information overload because of several online and offline media elements competing for audience (Lecture Notes slide 4). In conclusion, commercialization has created a distraction in the society by promoting immorality and unethical

Domestic Partnership Essay Example for Free

Domestic Partnership Essay The advantages gained by providing benefits to domestic partners can outweigh the costs. This report will define domestic partnerships, outline the various benefits available for dependants, provide analysis related to the cost of providing benefits to dependants of domestic partnerships, discuss various benefit package options and related costs, and provide details related to the value the company stands to gain by offering such benefits. Domestic Partnership Domestic partnerships are generally thought of as a relationship between two members of the same sex. While same sex relationships garner most of the attention, domestic partnerships are not always between members of the same sex. California Family Code Section 297 defines domestic partners as â€Å"two adults who have chosen to share one another’s lives in an intimate and committed relationship of mutual caring. To establish a domestic partnership in California, a couple must file a Declaration of Domestic Partnership with the Secretary of the State, share a common residence, not be married or in a domestic partnership with someone else, not be related by blood, both are over the age of 18, both are the same sex, or opposite sex over the age of 62 and meet the eligibility criteria under the Social Security Act. Legal Issues Currently, 18 states offer domestic partner benefits for same-sex partners of state employees. Several state and local governments that offer health insurance and other benefits to employees’ unmarried domestic partners are currently facing lawsuits. Proponents of the Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMA) claim these constitutional amendments prohibit governments from offering such benefits to any dependent of a relationship that does not fit the state’s constitutional definition of marriage. Both gay-rights advocates and the American Civil Liberties Union dispute such amendments and are currently engaging DOMA proponents in courts across America in attempts to resolve their differences (Gentile, 2006). The costs associated with defending such legal matters can prove to be very cumbersome. Types of Employer Benefits When seeking employment, benefit packages play a major role in attracting and keeping employees. Employer benefits consist of more than the basic medical, dental, and vision plans. A variety of additional benefits being sought after by potential employees include, but are not limited to, retirement plans, life insurance and the family medical leave act. To qualify for domestic partner benefits, employees may be asked to sign a statement or submit an affidavit asserting they live with a domestic partner and are financially interdependent† (Greenwald, 2003). Health Insurance â€Å"For most nonelderly people in the United States, health insurance and access to health care derive from one’s own or a family member’s employment† (Ash and Badgett, 2006). In all fairness, these types of benefits should be offered to these types of families under the cu rrent guidelines of Domestic Partnership. Two levels of benefits are offered by employers, single coverage and family coverage. Single employees are at a disadvantage when it comes to compensation because some employers offer their employees a flexible benefit to assist with costs. These benefits will include all the same privileges that legally recognized families are currently receiving. The entitlement shall consist of doctor’s visits, prescription drug coverage, hospitalization, and eye exams (Briggs, 1994). Dental Benefits Dental care is an essential benefit which should be available to all family members. Preventive dental care could significantly reduce loss of productivity and catch problems before they become chronic or severe† (Gustin, 2003). Dental benefits are very affordable and valuable. One available option is for this company to offer dental as a voluntary option. This would enable the employees and their domestic partner to take advantage of the dental plan at a group rate, but the employee woul d be responsible for the cost (Gustin, 2003). Retirement/401K Retirement Plans and 401K’s are benefits that are only available to employees; however, choosing beneficiaries is a very important detail to these plans. Although domestic partners cannot be given all of the rights of spouses, plans can be structured to provide them with many of the benefits available for spouses† (Davis, 2007). In addition to being named as beneficiary, a hardship withdrawal can be taken based on the need of the domestic partner, and domestic partners will have the right to rollover death benefits (Davis, 2007). Life Insurance Employee life insurance is available at a more affordable rate through employer plans. Adding family members is an optional benefit. Under this plan, domestic partners and children would be entitled to life insurance coverage for just pennies a day. This would incur no expense for the employer and the employee would benefit from a group rate. Cost to Employees and Employers The cost of healthcare is on the rise and no end to this crisis is in sight. Most people believe all employers should offer health insurance to its employees; however, with the cost of healthcare so high companies who offer these benefits are trying to find ways to offset costs. If all employers did offer health, dental, and life insurance, who would cover the cost? A survey administered by the Commonwealth Fund titled The Public’s Views on Healthcare Reform in the 2008 Presidential Election asked that question to 3,500 randomly selected adults. 70% of people surveyed thought the cost should be shared equally between the employer, employees, and the government. 80% of the people surveyed also thought that if an employer did not offer health insurance they should contribute to the cost of coverage (Lubell, 2008). Tax Equity The Tax Equity for Domestic Partner and Health Plan Beneficiaries Act of 2007 was introduced March 29, 2007. The act states employers offering healthcare insurance have to provide healthcare coverage to domestic partners, same-sex or opposite sex. This law has been added to stop federal tax inequalities same-sex couples currently face when receiving healthcare benefits offered by their employers (Postal, 2007). The new law significantly affected employers in the Northeast and Western states because 42% of larger companies in the Northeast, and 38% of companies in the West have same-sex domestic partner healthcare coverage. Only 14% of large companies in the Midwest and 10% of companies in the south have this type of coverage (Cohen, 2004). Dual Coverage Because the cost of healthcare has increased 15% since 2003, some states in the U. S. have prohibited employees from claiming their spouses/domestic partners as dependents; thus, prohibiting dual coverage in the workforce. Banning dual coverage for these employees saves the state tax payers several million dollars per year while the employees and their families have suitable health insurance coverage. Employees rely on dual health insurance coverage to cover out of pocket costs resulting from procedures which are not fully covered by their primary carrier. Dual coverage insurance can save families hundreds, if not thousands of dollars per year, but can potentially cost the employer hundreds or thousands more (Employer-Sponsored, 2004). Annual Cost According to a research study performed by The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Education Trust in 2006, private employers nationwide spend an average of $4,242 for single coverage and $11,480 for family coverage on employer sponsored health insurance coverage annually (Employer Health, 2006). Whether the employee is a single hetero-sexual or homo-sexual the rate for single coverage remains the same. The same for family coverage, the married hetero-sexual couple and the same-sex or opposite-sex domestic partners family coverage cost also remains the same. Employees are paying an average of $1,860 for single coverage and $4,848 for family coverage annually. These costs are causing employers to raise workers’ insurance premiums or reduce coverage. Some companies perform internal audits to eliminate ineligible dependents, older children, and ex-spouses/ex-domestic partners. If an employer finds dependents on an employees’ insurance that should not have been covered, the employee is required to pay back medical bills and insurance premiums through payroll deductions (Employer-Sponsored, 2004). Using information from these internal audits employers may notice a slight domestic partner enrollment increase: 0. 1%-0. 3% for gay and lesbian partners and 1. 3%-1. 8% for heterosexual partners. The increase in enrollment does not significantly affect the annual cost to the employer for employer-sponsored benefits provided to domestic partners and their families (Ash and Badgett, 2006). Benefits to the Company Healthcare continues to be a concern to both employees and employers. Employers are developing and offering programs and incentives to attract various types of workers, including those in domestic partner relationships, to attract more qualified candidates. Making benefits available to an employee’s domestic partner, a company is likely to hire and retain an employee whose work output is optimal. Employees in a domestic partner relationship appreciate their employer considering their particular need which results in a higher production rate. Davis 2007). Increased Productivity An employee who is healthy and has a healthy family is less likely to call in sick and take unnecessary time off to care for his or her family. In a study conducted by Ipsos-Reid (2004), two main contributors to employee absenteeism are depression and stress. Health benefits made available to an employee and his or her domestic partner can help reduce these factors. Mark Cauthen, benefit manager for the city of Colorado Springs, believes if one’s dependents feel better, the employee is more productive and focused at work (Wojcik, 2007). Preventative Measures Many companies have recognized the importance of helping employees manage their work and personal lives. Some of the more common preventive measure benefits currently being offered to employees, their domestic partners, and other immediate family members residing in the home are: wellness, flu shots, and fitness programs. Offering these various programs help the employee feel the employer cares for the health of his or her family resulting in increased productivity (Meghji 2007). Lower attrition rates An employer must also be concerned with the effect of employee retention. Currently 50% of Fortune 500 companies are providing benefits to employees involved in same sex domestic partnerships and heterosexual partnerships. Conclusion Offering benefits to domestic partners makes good business sense. While providing benefits to domestic partners may slightly increase employer cost, the benefits will prove profitable. As the research has indicated, enrollment will increase slightly which will not pose a financial hardship to any corporation.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Quality In Higher Education In India

Quality In Higher Education In India Just as water needs the wind to create waves of change so does every individual need a helping hand to achieve the impossible and education is that helping hand which can guide the individuals as well as the nations to the path of progress and success in this rapidly changing world. Primary education prepares a base for the whole education but higher education provides the cutting edge and the specialized skills required to move ahead. Higher education is the peak of the educational journey of any individual and it aims to contribute to the development and improvement of the society as a whole in a sustainable manner. Higher education should be able to meet the needs of all sectors of human activity. The World Bank and UNESCO report (2000) rightly presents a powerful message that higher education is no longer a luxury. It is essential for survival. So we are interested in higher education because we are interested in our survival. So, the importance of quality higher education is imm ense. But, Indian higher education does not stand anywhere among the world higher education in terms of quality and it is a matter of great concern for all the stakeholders of education i.e. students, teachers, institutions, society as a whole and policy makers etc. So, the higher education needs a total transformation to achieve the qualitative dimension of the higher education according to international standards. Present paper briefly talks about the factors which are influencing the quality of higher education in India and then recommends some of the ways through which the quality can be implemented to the Indian higher education system Key Words: Implement, Quality, Higher Education INTRODUCTION: We are living in an important and epoch- making age. This is an age of accelerated change and the age of unprecedented developments and Education is the tool through which individuals, societies and nations can live, progress and achieve success. Education is an enlightening experience which helps in making a meaning out of the complex realities of life. In India we have always believed that education is a liberating as well as evolutionary force, which enables the individual to rise from mere materiality to superior planes of intellectual and spiritual consciousness. Education is a dialogue between the past, present and future, so that the coming generations receive the accumulated lessons of the heritage and carry it forward. In the last two decades India has made rapid progress in the expansion of higher educational facilities and institutions and at present Indias higher education system is the second largest in the world, after the United States. Indian higher education system has expanded at a fast pace by adding nearly 20,000 colleges and more than 8 million students in a decade from 2000-01 to 2010-11. As of 2011, India has 42 central universities, 275 state universities, 130 deemed universities, 90 private universities, 5 institutions established and functioning under the State Act, and 33 Institutes of National Importance. Other institutions include 33,000 colleges as Government Degree Colleges and Private Degree Colleges, including 1800 exclusive womens colleges, functioning under these universities and institutions as reported by the UGC in 2012. Fig. 1, Growth of Higher Education: Universities/Colleges/Students enrolment/Teaching Staff: 1950-51 2010-11 (Source: Higher Education in India at a glance, UGC Brochure 2012) The growth is very impressive in numbers but quality is far behind the existed standards and requirements. And thats why quality of higher education in India is a matter of great apprehension. To stand at par with the developed countries we have to first meet out the challenges in imparting education especially in higher education. Reasons for concern for the quality of Higher Education: The quality in higher education is the biggest need of the hour as our country is progressing towards becoming the educational hub of the world. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (2007) said that our university system is, in many parts, in a state of disrepairà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. In almost half the districts in the country, higher education enrolments are abysmally low, almost two-third of our universities and 90 percent of our colleges are rated as below average on quality parametersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I am concerned that in many states university appointments, including that of vice-chancellors, have been politicized and have become subject to caste and communal considerations; there are complaints of favoritism and corruption. These words reflect the concerns for the quality of higher education in India. The quality of higher education in most of our universities and colleges requires substantial improvements. The following problems are common enough to be a cause for quality concern in highe r education: First, curricula, which have remained almost unchanged for decades, have not kept pace with the times. Second, learning and creativity are at reducing in a system of evaluation that places its focus on memory rather than understanding. Third, the atmosphere is not favorable to anything beyond the classrooms, for it is caught in a 9.30 to 1.30 syndrome. Fourth, the academic calendar is no longer untouchable for classes or for examinations, as there are slippages in schedules so much so that, at several places, classes in the time table are not held and results are often declared with a time delay of 6 to 12 months. Fifth, the infrastructure is not only inadequate but also on the threshold of collapse. Sixth, the importance attached to research has eroded gradually over time. Seventh, the boundaries between disciplines have become dividing walls that constitute barriers to entry for new disciplines. Eight, there is little accountability, because there are no rewards for performance and no penalties for non-performance. Ninth, structures of governance are not responsive to changing times but the system is readily subverted by vested interests. Tenth, teachers are not playing their roles as per the changing needs and requirements. They are unable to prepare students to meet the demands of the digital, technological, interactive, collaborate changing world around us. Quality of teacher education curriculum also needs a transformation according to the present developments and needs. It is not possible here to provide a complete analysis of what are the other minor but relevant concern areas related to the quality of our higher education system. But, above mentioned areas need urgent transformation if India wants to move ahead or along with the world higher education systems. IMPLEMENTING QUALITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION: The following points provide a framework or guideline for improving the quality of higher education in India taking into account the various levels and key factors in education: Both, academic (institutional goals and objectives, curriculum design and review, teaching learning and evaluation, research and publications) and administrative (organization and management, infrastructure facilities, support services, student feedback and counseling and management of financial resources) aspects should be assessed and to be improved to improve the quality of higher education as it will be the first step towards the most needed education. Examination reforms like semester system, credit system are to be exercised to streamline them in a proper manner. As these are brought up from abroad, we should first of all check its feasibility for our organizational climate. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation is to be encouraged. Standardized assessment procedures to strengthen the evaluation system. Financial Accountability is more important which means that the fund is to be used for the enhancement of the laboratory and library facilities. Gaps or deficiencies in our educational system are to be bridged to suit our economic, social and cultural requirements. Education is emerging as a service influenced by market operations, and so, it has to meet quality requirements and expectations of stakeholders for its survival. Distance education has a great potential for high productivity and we must take advantage of it in a big way. Curriculum restructuring and innovations and evolvement, conducting training programmes, orientation programmes, refresher courses. Accessibility, accountability and affordability are the major requirements. While the notion of quality was not fully developed, it was recognized that expanding access alone would be insufficient foe education to contribute fully to the development of the individual and society. Need to raise investment in education: education can be the next big area of economic growth in the country. Despite promises by the policy planners to raise investment in education to 6% of GDP, state and central governments together have spent less than 4% of GDP on education. Anything less now would mean further delays in providing quality higher education. Fig. 2, Expenditure on Higher Education in India (As % of GDP) (Source: Analysis of Budgeted Expenditure on Education, MHRD) Promotion of higher education with good governance, management, development and planning is very essential. Education should allow the children to reach their fullest potentials in terms of cognitive, emotional and creative capacities. For this appropriate aims must be described at the higher education level. Need to stop commercialization of education: any initiative to reverse the rapidly deteriorating situation will have necessarily to begin with educational institutions. There is, in fact, plenty that can be done even within the existing pattern of education and academic and professional course content to raise the level of awareness and proficiency of the students, provided the temples of learning and scholarship live up to that description. Teachers need to be the drivers of the qualitative change in the higher education. It would be pertinent to list down the key areas that teachers are capable and need to do to make higher education impactful/meaningful: Fig. 3, what teachers need to do to improve the quality of higher education? Teacher Education: the preparation of teachers for all levels of education is the responsibility of higher education. Therefore it is also necessary to enhance the quality of teacher education within the higher education by adopting new learner centered approaches like constructivism etc. Accountability: the higher education system must provide for accountability vis-à  -vis the outside world and create accountability within the system. We need to create systems that enable students, or their parents, to choose between and assess universities. Information: institutions imparting higher education should be required to place basic information relating to their financial situation, physical assets, accreditation ratings, faculty positions, academic curricula, and so on, in the public domain. This would empower students and parents and can be an important step for maintaining qualitative standards. Thus these are only some of the steps which must be taken towards the qualitative higher education. But, implementing the above guidelines will require support from the management, government, teachers and students as well as the readiness to change as per required changing needs, and then only these guidelines can take a practical form. CONCLUSION: Thus, it can be concluded at the end that quality is a buzz word in todays world of education. It has become an important ideology of education which helps make education more relevant to the needs of the individual and society. Every educational institution must strive to achieve excellence through adopting the highest measures of quality as ongoing basis as fostering quality in higher education is a continuous journey. We all know that education is the key to success as well as a very powerful tool for change. Higher education is the peak time of education of individuals which must be qualitatively strong so that it can guarantee to high employability at good and reputed positions. Improvement in quality of higher education will eventually draw more and more students and problem of low enrolment will get solved. For this higher education curriculum must be relevant so that students can directly link with their routine lives and find it useful to study. Teachers must also change the ir traditional role and be ready for their role as learners first because teachers have a pivotal role to play in the transformation process and the need of the hour is to get things moving and put them in place. What is needed is a vision of quality that goes far beyond mere conformance to standard; we need a passion for quality and continuous improvement, a quest for improvement that is never ending so that our higher education will always be qualitative and as per the needs. REFRENCES: Akhtar, SW (2011): Quality in Higher Education at par with International Standards; University News, 49(52) December 26-01: Delhi. Chaudhary, S. (2011), Problems and prospects of Indian Higher Education in the Age of globalization, University News, vol. 49(23): Delhi. Deka, B. (2000): Higher Education in India; Atlantic Publishers and Distributors: Delhi. Dube, S.C. (1988). Higher Education and Social Change, in A. Singh and G.D. Sharma (Ed.), Higher education in India: The Social Context, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi. Kurhade, MS (2011): In Quest of Quality Education; University News, 49(32) August 08-14: Delhi. PMs address at the 150th Anniversary Function of University of Mumbai: Premji, Azim (2004): Importance of Quality Education for the Development of the Nation; Legal News Views. Ranganathan, R. Rao, SVL (2011): Reformation of Higher Education in India: Quality Concerns; University News, 49 (10) March 07-13: Delhi. Sehrawat, SS (2012): Quality Assurance in Higher Education; University News, 50 (26) June 25-01 July: Delhi. Saleem, S. Gawali, VS (2011): India needs Quality Education: University News, 49 (06) February 07-13: Delhi. Singh, K.P. Ahmad, S. (2011), Higher Education in India: Major Concerns, University News, vol. 49(29): Delhi. Singh, UK Sudarshan, KN (1996): Quality Education; Discovery Publishing House: New Delhi. UNESCO (2000): Task Force on Higher Education and Society; UNESCO World Bank Report.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What Similarities and differences can you find between Growing Up :: English Literature

What Similarities and differences can you find between Growing Up and The Son’s Veto? You should pay particular attention to the way the relationships between parents and children are portrayed by the authors. Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy was a pre-twentieth, post-nineteenth century author, he wrote short stories and novels, even poems. Hardy explores the different levels of relationships between men and women. He delves into the environments and the circumstances in which they live upon. Hardy digs deep to find the love hate and sacrifice in this story, ‘The Son’s Veto.’ It is basically about the relationship between mother and son, husband and wife and two lovers. ‘The Son’s Veto’ is a roller coaster of emotions, happy, sad, frustrating, sorrow, love, remorse and hate, each feeling immense in themselves. Joyce Cary passed away in 1957. When he died he had become accepted as one of the best modern novelists. In ‘Growing Up’ one of his famous novels, there is a moral, ‘no matter how old we are we are never too old to learn.’ This story concentrates on the relationships of the two sisters and their father, it grasps the meaning of love from the father, hate from the daughters to their father but most of all it grasps the meaning of growing up vividly in a more modernist twentieth century way. In ‘The Son’s Veto’ it goes on about a story of a woman in a wheelchair, with beautiful braided hair, and it is basically a story of the relationships revolving around this woman, and with her. This story starts off with a full-blown introduction of this woman, with a description of her hair, and her stance, and her features. Then it goes onto her past, like a premonition, describing the village of where she lived, and the emotions of the goings on around the village. We meet Sophy; Sophy is the woman from the present, with the beautiful braided hair. She is a strong character, the parlour maid in the parson’s house. Then we move on to meet another character, Sam. He is the gardener of Sophy’s acquaintance. ‘He was a young gardener of her acquaintance. She told him the particulars of the late event, and they stood silent,’ this shows us there is some kind of awkwardness between these two people. They begin to converse. They start walking towards Sophy’s mothers door, with Sam presenting his arm around her waist, as you can see from this, Sam likes her in a sexual way, but from Sophy’s reaction, ‘she gently removed it’ the feeling isn’t mutual. We move on to meet the Parson, Mr Twycott.